As a nutritionist/ health coach, many times I am misunderstood!

You may think that working with a nutritionist/ health coach means depriving yourself of your favorite foods and give up coffee forever!

Or you will be stuck with eating expensive organic foods, raw or vegan or paleo diets (or whatever other fancy diets that come to your creative mind); and spend a gazillion hours in the kitchen making up every thing from scratch.

You may think you will be put on a detox and told to drink green smoothies all day long.

But the fact is, and yes it’s a shocker……

Working with me, is NOT about going on depriving diets or fasting till your bones show.
– It’s about figuring out the right fuel for your body and your mind.
– It’s about nourishing yourself from the inside out.
– It’s about increasing your energy levels, confidence and feel good factor.
– It’s about reconnecting your mind and body. Treating yourself with respect and love that you deserve.

In short, I treat you as a REAL human being- flesh, blood and feelings combined; so that:

– You can discover the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods and can apply effective strategies to feel your best.

– You will know what what your body likes and dislikes, how crappy you feel when you eat certain foods, or think certain thoughts.

– You’d know what is the sensible thing to do and know when to stop eating ice-cream, instead of binge eating the whole bucket.

– You’d find out how foods and thoughts affect the body and how sick we feel when we ignore the basics.

You may have been suffering from symptoms for years and have no clue how to feel better.

Fess up.

I’m sure you’ve Googled the heck out of your symptoms.

– How to stop sugar cravings?
– Why am I bloated?
– How to increase my energy levels?
– What to eat when you are lactose intolerant?
– How to cure IBS?
– Constipation/ diarrhea remedies.
– How to lose the stubborn weight?
– Easy ways to reduce stress and feel good…..etc

Stop this DIY madness!!
And get some real professional help!

You may think you know how to eat healthy.
But do you?

Here are 7 reasons why you need to rethink your DIY strategy & work with a nutritionist/ health coach:

1. Expertise:
I know how the gut, the body and the mind works. I specialise in gut health, sugar cravings, lack of energy and mindset shifts.

I can provide your solutions you may never have considered, or even know about.

2. Asking Questions:
My job is NOT simply to tell you eat this/ don’t eat that.

I’m here to ask you thought provoking questions, breakthrough questions, or even what may seem like dumb questions. I serve you by listening to you & steer you to find your own answers.

We all know what we need to do…we are just too disconnected to do so.

3. Accountability and support:

I know you are strong and capable, but even the best of us need support. And I give you just that 100%…. all along the way.

Being accountable to yourself is the first thing, but when you have someone to check-in on you, it takes the drive to keep going to a whole new level.

4. Uncover & remove limiting beliefs:
We all have self sabotaging habits and limiting beliefs.

Most likely you are not even aware of them.

It’s my job to help you recognize them and remove them, so that you can keep making progress and have the body/ life of your dreams.

5. Snap you out of the victim-mindset:
If you have a habit of enjoying self-hosted pity-parties, then I’m here to snap you out of it.

A hard-ass boss, the life sucking job, work deadlines, a crazy mother-in-law, an angry spouse or defiant kids are not responsible for your current status.

Instead YOU are.
You create your own reality. Period.

I’m here to hold your hand & guide to create your own vibrant, high-energy, healthy and happy self.

6. Give you THE “Blueprint” to unleashing your ultimate wellbeing:
I’ve gone through my own debilitating health journey with chronic pain (fibromyalgia), IBS, exhaustion with years spent being told it was ‘all in my head’.

I’ve felt the helplessness first hand and have crying my eyeballs out.

That horrendous journey alongwith the knowledge I earned from nutrition school has helped me create a simple, effective and sustainable blue-print to empower numerous people just like you have the health and life you want.

Save time, energy and implement the changes faster.

7. Simplify & re-focus:
No matter how enthusiastically you begin your wellness journey, soon the vigor wears off.

How many times have you gone on diets, only to dump them a few days later?

To stay on track it’s important that someone helps you refocus and reconnect with the big picture.

By simplifying the process and making it fun, I provide you with the freedom to enjoy the foods you like and change for life for good.

It’s time you take an aerial view of your life and ask yourself- “Am I living my best life?”

“Is my quality of life acceptable to me?”

If yes, cool!

If not, reach out and let’s get you to unleash your wellbeing.

I have 3 spots open in the next few days for 1:1 coaching sessions with me (90 days of 1:1 custom support and guidance).

Check out the details here.

Spots available on first come first serve basis.

So why work with me specifically??
– I get my clients results.
– Their lives are transformed as a result.
– They get AHA moments like never before.
– They can relish the freedom from their frustrating symptoms, food restrictions, self sabotaging habits for the rest of their lives.
– I make it easy, simple and sustainable for you to follow the recommendations and get lasting results.
– Check out the testimonials here in their own words.

So if you are ready to be high-energy, healthy and happy- reach out and let’s get going.

It’s time.


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