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Are you bewildered why you continue to suffer despite having tried everything?

Flashback to a few years ago, when I was suffering from chronic pain 24/7, had horrendous gut issues and zero energy day after day, I was frustrated and angry.

I didn’t want to wake up with pain. I didn’t want to live with debilitating stomach cramps, non-stop diarrhea. I didn’t want to say no to family outings, coz all I had no energy.

So I went from doctor to doctor, and did test after test only to be told there was nothing wrong with me! I was normal.

What? How could I feel so miserable and there was nothing wrong?

Why was I popping bucket loads of pills if I was normal?

It just didn’t make sense!!

I had to dig deeper.

So I turned to “Doctor Google”.

After all what better than the ‘wise’-old internet to help me figure out the reason behind my sickness!

With the help of Wikipedia and a gazillion other sites, I self diagnosed myself with every disease imaginable. After all the symptoms matched to what they said….at least most of them did!

And that my friend, was where the big problem lay!

“Symptom Management”.

Everything I had done until then far, was all about trying to get rid of my symptoms!!

I was so ignorant me back then. 🙁

I did not know that symptoms are simply an indication or a sign of something going on deeper in the body.

To get rid of the symptoms, I had to get to the root cause of what was manifesting as symptoms.

Are you in that same boat now of symptom management, as I was a few years ago?

Are you sick and tired of your symptoms, and feel as if you’ve tried everything under the sun without respite?

Any symptom, be it sugar cravings, aches/ pains, indigestion, gas, bloating, stubborn weight, or lethargy; are just your body’s way of telling you, there is something deeper going on inside.

Unless you get to the root cause, and fix things at that grass root level, you will not feel better.

Say you regularly suffer from heart burn. It gives you sleepless nights, that you freak out at even the mention of eating another meal.

Feels familiar?

So what do you do?

The most common way people deal with a heart burn, is to have an antacid.
That is what I call “Symptom Management”.

Heart burn is the symptom and by taking the antacid, you’ve just masked the symptom. The root cause- could be an H. Pylori infection, or lack of digestive juices, or a weak digestive system.

Unless those are addressed, the heart burn will continue to plague you regularly no matter how many antacids you pop!

Get the point?

To feel better; you need to get to the root cause of symptoms, understand what you need to do and have the support and guidance to be able to do it.

That’s where I step in.


I will work with you to get to the root cause of your symptoms. We will chart out the best plan of action to get you back to being energetic, healthy and happy again.

I will be there every step of the way, holding you hand, guiding you and cheering you on.

The decision is yours.

You can continue to try things on your own. It may work or it may not.

Or you can decide to stop the wild goose chase and get the help and expertise you need.

I’m ready to work with you,IF you are ready to commit to your wellbeing.


Email me ( 
to set up your free discovery session with me, and find out if we are the right fit for each other!

Talk soon,

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