It’s May and Mother’s Day is around the corner!

You see, While I was researching things to write about in this newsletter, I came across some cool ’acronyms’ for the word MOM. As I read through them I couldn’t help but start identifying myself with many these acronyms. Sharing with you my reflections on some of them here.

It all came down to asking myself, “What kind of a mom am I?”

Mother on Mission

1. The mission to ensure I raise a physically, socially and mentally thriving child.

2. My other mission is to ’empower busy moms and professional take charge of their health to overcome their sugar/carb cravings, low energy and bloating so that they can have strong digestion and brim with energy from the inside out!’

Mean Old Mom Oh no, not me! Though I’m sure there are several times my teenage son thinks of me as this. Haha…
Maker of Me  I’m responsible for what I am today- well in part  at least with the help of my family, friends and other well-wishers I am who I am today
Mother of Multiples Nope! Not me, I have only one child.
Must Obey Me LOL! Yes, in certain times and situations I do have to enforce some rules around my growing teenage son.
Most Outstanding Mother Wouldn’t we all like to think of us as that? Haha…
Methods of Mayhem Us moms are known to bring calm to frenzy, order in chaos. There sure are methods to our madness!
My Own Mother Ah, hmm..

I’m just going to take a minute and elaborate on the last one here.

My own mother- the lady who has always showered love, care, affection on me at all times. She is a pillar of strength for me, and has stood by me through thick and thin- holding my hand, encouraging me, pushing me and leaving me alone when needed. Such is her motherly love!

But, (yes, there has to be a ‘but’)- the only thing she never did was take care of herself. She has always put the needs of others before hers- me, my dad, the family, the job, the community and everything else but herself. Even now at the age of 65 years!

So typical, just like so many other moms around the world.

The result, she is in poor health today.

If there is one message I want to give to you all loving moms out there on this Mother’s day, it is- Take Care of Your Health.

The hustle of life will always be there to pull you, but unless you take care of yourself how can you help others? Just as they say during in-flight demos- “pull the oxygen mask on you first then help others”.

We moms ignore our health for far too long, feel sick, frustrated and then wonder: “why me”?

Take the first step towards caring for yourself today, however small it might be. It could just be having a cup of tea peacefully for 5 mins, going for a short walk by yourself, adding one healthy snack to your daily meal, dirnking an extra glass of water; whatever works and then slowly add another one next week and so on.

So are you ready to love and help yourself this Mother’s Day?

Are you on board with me?

If you want to help yourself or a woman in your life become healthier, call me today.

I’d love to enable one more mom take charge of her health. Let’s make our families healthier- one mom at a time!

Mother’s Day Special!

Purchase any of my online programs or 1:1 personalised consultation packages

before 6th May, 2015 and get 20% discount!

Directly call 778.322.5670 FREE or email to make the purchase

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