
I’ve got some exciting news and I can’t wait anymore to share this with you!

I was recently interviewed on the Integrated Woman Podcast, hosted by Salona Carlisle.

Salona is an amazing woman with great energy and I’m so thankful to be part of her awesome podcast series!

This interview is definitely a “Must Listen”, especially if you’ve been:

Feeling overcommitted,totally stressed, and moving so fast that you’re not even able to enjoy the rewards of all that you are actually doing?

Or you have a sense that your body is telling you what IT needs – what YOU need – but you haven’t been willing to slow down long enough to listen?

And you believe you don’t have time for yourself or you don’t deserve to make yourself a priority

Now that It’s back to school time, I don’t about you, but I’m already trying really hard to keep my sanity everyday.

After all this is one of the most stressful and busy times of the year.

So this infact is a perfect time for this interview to come out!


In our interview, we talk about:

` The often overlooked component of lasting, satisfying, and holistic success

` Why we must commit to a practice of celebration if we are ever going to be happy and content

` The turning point when Tanuja stopped searching for answers outside of her only to find out she had the wisdom within her all along

` The key mindset shift required to maximize joy, let go of the hustle, and feel comfortable in your own skin again

If you’re ready to jumpstart your wellness while taking your satisfaction and confidence to a whole new level, CLICK HERE to listen to this EPISODE and enjoy our juicy and rich conversation!


Here are all the links we talk about in the interview!

1.Sugar detox:
2.Private FB group: Nutrition 101
3.FB page:
4.Complimentary discovery session :

Hit reply and let me know what you think of it!

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