Happy New Year!
Are you seeing/ hearing stuff all around you about New Year’s resolutions, goal setting, planning, execution strategies etc?


I am certainly getting inundated with those messages.


I don’t know about you, but I am so DONE with the resolution nonsense.
I’ve personally never been able to keep up with them and I’ve seen way too many people make resolutions and then break them a few weeks later.


So all the resolution messages have the Blah-Blah effect on me.
It almost feels like a teenager sitting in front of his/ her parents who are trying to explain ‘stuff’ to them but all they hear are jumbled words and parents mouths moving in slow motion.


I certainly can’t deny the fact the New Year is a big time for resolutions and goal setting, specially when it comes to health and wellness.

Are you one of those people?

You may have made resolutions in the past or even this year. How did it go for you? Huh?!
Perhaps you got all pumped up in January about some goal- like exercise more, eat healthy or give up coffee and so on. But by the time February hit, and you settled down into your usual routine, you either forget all about it or started making excuses as to how busy you were to keep going with the resolution.


You see, I personally am a big planner and like goals as they give me a direction and purpose.
But goal setting and resolutions can be intimidating and may just plain suck if you are never going to take action and fulfill them!


Well then, this year I recommend instead of making resolutions and breaking them, just COMMIT to something that is really important to you.
Don’t just keep planning and dreaming.


Commit and take instant action.


Goal setting is easy and anyone can set goals, but only the serious make a commitment.
Committing pushes you to take action.
And ‘action’ alone yields ‘results’.


That is why I’ve designed a 6 week Wellness Jump Starter program just for you.


It is essentially a Diet and Lifestyle Hack!
All you need to do is COMMIT to the program and I’ll help you take ACTION! 
In the program you will discover the secret to choosing the right foods that fill you up, give you lasting energy and help you shed excess pounds!

Imagine yourself:

  • Having more energy and focus
  • Not ‘sucking it in’ and looking good in that little black dress
  • Feeling confident as your weight is under control
  • Eating clean and feeding your family balanced, nutrient dense foods
  • Enjoying all your favorite foods without deprivation
  • Free from guilt, misery and frustration because YOU have taken charge now

It doesn’t have to be a just dream any more!

Check out the program right here….

I can’t wait for you to join me in breaking free from undesirable dietary and lifestyle patterns in just 6 weeks and making 2016 your best year!

With love and inspired commitment to action,



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